In most cases, yes you can. However, it depends on the severity and what your insurance policy says. We’ll first discuss severity and then go into policy limitations.
Fibromyalgia is a relatively recent condition that has only gained recognition in the medical field over the past 30 years. It is thought to be a disorder that causes widespread musculoskeletal pain. Symptoms often include moderate to severe pain, fatigue, memory loss, sleep difficulties, concentration issues, and mood troubles. Many individuals also experience “fibro-fog,” such as cognitive issues and trouble with thinking and forgetfulness.
Fibromyalgia is more common in women than in men. Often times, fibromyalgia is in combination with another illness you may have. To confirm your diagnosis, your medical providers may often test for various other illnesses to rule them out, thus, concluding with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Treatment typically consists of physical therapy and various medications for pain management.
Because fibromyalgia is a somewhat subjective disease, its severity is very hard to determine. In our experience, client’s who have clinical objective findings of 18 out of 18 trigger/tender points, limited range of motion, muscle spasms, sensory deficits, and overall weakness, have the best chance of obtaining benefits.
Your long-term disability should cover you if your fibromyalgia is severe and prevents you from performing work. However, some LTD policies have exclusions for fibromyalgia. We have seen policies totally exclude the condition or place a limitation, usually two years, for benefits payable if you have the disease. However, there may be a way around this limitation. For instance, if you suffer from other physically disabling co-morbid conditions.
If you have been denied benefits and suffer from fibromyalgia, give us a call to discuss your rights. We may be able to help you extend your benefits. Free consultation and advice hotline: 855-999-1969.