Operana Law was recently successful in obtaining nearly $70,000 in past-due Social Security Disability and SSI benefits. Kurt, who worked as a warehouse worker, became disabled in 2013. He suffered from a variety of musculoskeletal conditions and had undergone multiple surgeries and procedures on his back, neck, hips, and knees.
Kurt had a long journey before finally being awarded Social Security Disability benefits. He attempted to apply for benefits on his own in 2013, 2018, and 2019, but was denied each time. Since he was not able to work consistently after 2013, he also became “uninsured” for Social Security Disability benefits because he did not earn enough SSDI work credits. His last date of insurance was in 2016, and in order to qualify for benefits, Social Security had to find that his disability started before that time.
Kurt reached out to several Social Security attorneys but was unfortunately turned down due to his uninsured SSDI status. Upon consulting with Kurt, our office felt that there was still a chance in winning his claim.
We began working up his file and amended his alleged onset date of disability to keep in line with his date last insured. We then obtained more medical records, as well as retroactive opinions from his doctors stating that he was disabled since 2013.
We appeared with Kurt as his court hearing, presented his case, and made our arguments to the Judge. The Judge was skeptical at first, considering the fact that we were attempting to prove disability nearly a decade prior. However, after considering the evidence we presented and our arguments, along with the testimony given by Kurt, the vocational expert, and the medical expert, the Judge ultimately concluded that he was disabled and awarded his claim.
Kurt’s case is a perfect example of how the attorney you choose can mean the difference between winning and losing. Kurt was unaware of all the Social Security rules and regulations, and he would have likely been denied again if he did not have legal representation on his side.
If you have been denied by Social Security or were told that you do not have enough work credits to apply, contact our office for a free case evaluation and consultation.
Operana Law Office | 855-999-1969