Operana Law was recently successful in obtaining over $120,000 in past due disability benefits from MetLife (Metropolitan Life Insurance Company) and the Social Security Administration.
Our client, Jessica, became disabled and unable to work due to significant mental impairments. She suffered from major depressive disorder, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, and PTSD. After applying for long-term disability and Social Security Disability benefits on her own, she was denied by both her private insurance company and the Social Security Administration.
For her MetLife appeal, we obtained updated medical documentation and opinions from all of her treating psychiatrists and therapists. We argued that her mental health symptoms would likely preclude her from returning to work as it would trigger stress and again exacerbate her condition. MetLife agreed with our position and paid retroactive benefits totaling more than $80,000, along with ongoing monthly future benefits.
The Social Security Administration also denied Jessica’s claim following her initial application and reconsideration appeal. Following her denial, we requested a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. Attorney Brandon Operana represented Jessica at her hearing and argued that her impairments would qualify her under Social Security’s “Listings of Impairments” criteria and after cross-examination of the medical expert, the Judge agreed an awarded Jessica her benefits. She received over $40,000 in past-due benefits for her and her dependent children, and will continue to receive ongoing monthly benefits.